Threats To Your Health By Mobile Phones

You constantly look at it. When you aren't around it, you feel anxious, and when you have it, it's all you can think about. Yes, we're talking about your smartphone. Our obsession with mobile gadgets has become epic — one in every five people in the world own a smartphone these days. And now there are a handful of new syndromes that come with that addiction.


One of the Major disasters your cell phone can cause to your health is Cancer. Dangerous radiations are emitted by cell phones. An estimate by International Telecommunication Union says that there are over 5 Billion mobile phone subscribers in the world. Which is causing a great threat to the health of almost 75% of the worlds population.

      Cell phones emit radio-frequency energy (radio waves), a form of non-ionizing radiation, from their antennas. Tissues nearest to the antenna can absorb this energy. It has been suggested that radio-frequency energy might affect glucose metabolism, but two small studies that examined brain glucose metabolism after use of a cell phone showed inconsistent results. Whereas one study showed increased glucose metabolism in the region of the brain close to the antenna compared with tissues on the opposite side of the brain, the other study found reduced glucose metabolism on the side of the brain where the phone was used.
   There are theoretical considerations as to why the possible risk should be investigated separately in children. Their nervous systems are still developing and, therefore, more vulnerable to factors that may cause cancer. Their heads are smaller than those of adults and consequently have a greater proportional exposure to the field of radio-frequency radiation that is emitted by cell phones. And, children have the potential of accumulating more years of cell phone exposure than adults do.

Getting Addicted to your smart phone is another big psychological issue.  Nomophobia, Short for "no-mobile-phone phobia," this is exactly what it sounds like: the fear of being without your cell. According to a study of 1,000 people in the U.K., 66% of the population fears losing or being without their phones at any given time. Some of the symptoms of nomophobia include anxiety or negative physical symptoms if you have lost or cannot use your cell phone, obsessively checking to make sure you have your phone with you, and constantly worrying about losing it somewhere. Interestingly, the study found that women suffer from this more than men.
If this sounds like you, experts suggest employing common anxiety-relieving relaxation techniques like yoga and deep breathing.

Phantom Pocket Vibration Syndrome, No, you didn't just get a text message! A professor at Indiana University found that 89% of the undergraduates in her study experienced phantom vibrations when their phones weren't actually vibrating. The study also found that students who were dependent on text messages and social media updates were more anxious when their phones weren't really vibrating.

A good way to break the addiction? Try shutting your vibration function off and commit to only checking your phone during designated hours. If you have to keep your phone with you, place it in your bag instead. And try to resist checking your bag every five minutes. Otherwise, you might become the first case of Phantom Bag Vibration Syndrome.

Due to day by day improving science and technology, we can expect the manufacturers to consider improving devices so that risks to physical health can be reduced, but we ourselves have to reduce usage of these devices to avoid any psychological effects.


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